
At SDC Group, LLC using the tradename Beyond School Academy (hereinafter “BSA”), we respect our website users. BSA understands your concerns about privacy, so we’ve instituted policies intended to ensure that your personal information is handled safely and responsibly. BSA has posted this privacy policy to let you know what kind of information is collected, how it is handled, with whom it may be shared and what choices you have regarding BSA’s use of your information. Your use of the beyondschoolacademy.org website (“Website”) signifies your acceptance of this Privacy Policy, as well as the Terms of Use.


As development of the Website continues and BSA takes advantage of new technologies to improve the services provided, this policy likely will change. Therefore you are encouraged to refer to this policy each time you visit the Website so that you understand the current privacy policy. BSA may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time by posting the revised terms on the Website, with the revised terms taking effect as of the date posted. Your continued or repeated use of the Website following changes to the Privacy Policy will signify your acceptance of the then current Privacy Policy.


The Information Collected


BSA will not collect any personal information about you (such as your name, address, age, telephone number, or email address) unless you provide it to us voluntarily. If you do not want your personal information collected, please do not submit it to us. If you have already submitted this information and would like it to be removed from BSA’s records please contact us through the contact page of the Website. Other than as described below, or in a separate agreement with you, BSA does not give or sell any user information to any third party. However, BSA may disclose your personal information when required by law or court order.

When you register with the Website and during your visit to the Website, BSA may request that you provide or you may otherwise voluntarily provide certain personal information that BSA collects and stores.


For example:

When you sign up for the Website, BSA may collect your name, address, date of birth, email address, phone number, place of employment, details about your employment and teaching history.

When you request to be a part of an email list, BSA collects your email address. At any time, you have the option to remove yourself from such list by requesting to be excluded from any email messages by contacting us at [email protected] using the subject line: Opt Out.

When you submit a question to us either via email, we need your email address to respond, and you also may provide us with various types of information to allow us to answer your question.

When you visit the Website, we may also collect anonymous information from you. This may include for example, information about the hardware and/or software you are using, including but not limited to information about your operating system, Internet browser, screen resolution or connection speed, your Internet Protocol (IP) Address, the time of your visit to pages on the Website, information about pages you visited, time spent visiting the Website, usage patterns within the Website, and the domain name of the Website from which you linked to the Website. This information is not matched to your personal information and does not personally identify you.


The Use of Information


BSA may use your information for a variety of purposes, including the following:

To improve and enhance your overall experience at the Website.

To protect against misuse or unauthorized use of the Website and/or the services provided therein.

During emergencies, such as when we believe someone’s physical safety is at risk.


Use of Cookies

The Website also may use “cookies”, and/or web beacons which are widely used by websites. A cookie is a small amount of data that is sent to your browser from an Internet server and stored in your computer. Generally, the Website uses cookies to estimate Website usage, keep count of return visits to the Website, accumulate and report anonymously aggregate data collected in mass and statistical information on Website usage, determining which features overall user population likes best, and to better understand how users use the Website, and/or to analyze your visiting patterns. You can set your browser to notify you when you are sent a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether or not to accept it. Also, most browsers enable you to erase cookies from your computer hard drive, block all cookies, or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. Please refer to your browser instructions or help screen to learn more about these functions.


Use of IP Addresses

BSA collects and analyzes traffic on the Website by keeping track of the IP addresses of visitors to the Website. IP addresses are unique numeric identifiers that are assigned to each computer browser accessing the Internet. An IP address, by itself, cannot identify you personally. However, when combined with other information provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP), your IP address can be used to identify the computer accessing the Website. Under certain circumstances, recipients, their legal representatives, and/ or law enforcement authorities may be able to combine this with information disclosed by ISPs to determine the source of a particular communication. By using this service, you knowingly and voluntarily assume any risks associated with such disclosure.


The Sharing of Information

The information BSA gathers may be shared with other third parties, including companies with which BSA has a relationship with.


For example:

BSA may aggregate or have a third party aggregate on its behalf information and disclose such information in a non-personally identifiable manner to other third parties for marketing, promotional, and other purposes. BSA does not disclose to these entities any information that could be used to identify you personally. For example, business partners may be told how many customers in certain demographic groups visit the Website.


The Website may provide you with a link to an advertiser or other website so that you may get further information. If you link to the third party’s site, such party may collect or receive information about you according to its stated policy.


Like other companies, the Website may link to other sites. In certain cases, the other website may collect information on people who click on the banner or link. In certain of the above situations, these third parties will receive your information because you will be visiting their websites or using their links and, in so doing, you may provide information directly to them. You therefore should refer to their privacy policies to understand how they handle your information and what kinds of choices you have.


BSA also may share your personal information with outside companies that perform services for us. For example, BSA may retain an outside company to manage a database containing certain visitor information or to create and distribute an email offering. In those situations, the outside party is performing work for BSA, and BSA takes appropriate steps designed to ensure your information is used only to provide the services requested, and not for other purposes.


Additionally, BSA may share account or other information when they believe it is necessary to comply with the law, court order, to protect BSA’s interests or property or to protect against misuse or unauthorized use of the Website and/or any service offered therein. This may include sharing information with other companies, lawyers or government agencies in connection with investigating reports of users sending material using a false email address or users sending harassing, threatening, or abusive messages or other issues related to fraud or government subpoenas, warrants and/or court orders. In the event that some or all of the business assets of BSA are sold or transferred, BSA will likely transfer the information about the Website users.

BSA uses reasonable precautions to keep the personal information disclosed to us secure and to disclose such information only to third parties BSA believes to be responsible. However, BSA is not responsible for any breach of security or for any actions of any third parties which receive the information. BSA may also link to a wide variety of other websites. BSA is not responsible for their privacy policies or how they treat information about their users.


Options Regarding the Use of Your Information


If you do not want to receive emails from BSA, please write us at [email protected] using the subject line “Opt Out.”


Similarly if you would like BSA not to share your personally identifying information with other companies, you should contact us by writing to us at: Beyond School Academy, 14408 Coral Gables Way, North Potomac, MD 20878.


About Children


The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act took effect on April 21, 2000 and imposes certain requirements on websites directed toward children under 13 that collect information on those children, or on websites that know they are collecting information on children under the age of 13. If you are under 13 years of age, please do not provide any individually identifiable information, such as name, home address, email address, telephone number or any other information that would allow someone to identify or contact you. It currently is BSA’s policy not to knowingly request or collect personal information on any person under the age of 13.

If BSA becomes aware that an individual is under the age of 13 and has submitted any information to us for any purpose without prior verifiable parental consent, it will delete his or her information from BSA files. In addition, if a parent, guardian or person over the age of 13 becomes aware that a child has submitted personal information without proper consent, that person should immediately contact BSA at the email address listed on the Contact Us page of the website, or by writing to us at: Beyond School Academy, 14408 Coral Gables Way, North Potomac, MD 20878. Upon receipt of such written notice BSA will delete the child’s information from its existing files. If this policy changes, BSA will revise this portion of its privacy policy and will comply with the requirements of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, which include providing notice and choice to each child’s parent or guardian before collecting personal information.


Securing Information


BSA is committed to doing its best to maintain the security of information collected on the Website. To try to prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, BSA has put in place reasonable physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure information collected online. To the extent user information is maintained, it is located on a secured server behind a firewall; it is not directly connected to the internet. The firewall meets recognized industry standards.


Your confidence in us is BSA’s highest priority. If you have any concerns about privacy and security that have not been answered in this policy, please contact us at the email address [email protected], or by writing to us at: Beyond School Academy, 14408 Coral Gables Way, North Potomac, MD 20878.